01. Is the company (European Aviation Safety Agency) EASA approved
02. Are inspection personnel properly trained using a documented procedure
03. Is there a procedure to maintain traceability and certs on all parts materials & hardware
04. Does the vendor maintain a file of audit findings and corrective actions for three years
05. Are drawings and specs disbursed from a central point and removed when superseded
06. Are procedures in place for control of customer furnished data
07. Is there a Quality Control Program
08. Is there an up to date QA / QC manual which
09. Is there a system for controlling production and inspections stamps as applicable
10. Is there a documented shelf life program
11. Does the program assign responsibility to a specific person by title
12. Is there a tool calibration program
13. Is there a documented training program
14. Are parts and materials properly identified and stored
15. Is there a quarantine area for rejected parts and materials awaiting disposition